Join Me

Each Month

For a virtual fitness challenge, offering dynamic workout plans and accountability for a continuous journey towards your fitness goals while being supported by other women embodying their unique strengths.

My why behind my monthly challenges

It's so fun leading these group fitness challenges every month, and let me tell you why... It's all about empowering you! We spend our lives trying different things to figure out what makes us feel our absolute best—tracking habits, testing out diets, exploring new workout classes, you name it.. but what I've come to find is that having a community of supportive women is what keeps us going by reminding us we are not alone in our journey. 

I believe in the power of body awareness, finding balance, and getting to know the ins and outs of our unique internal systems. If only someone had clued me in earlier on the importance of syncing with my body's natural cycles and how it impacts every part of life! That's why I'm on a mission to help you achieve your dream body in a way that's healthy and sustainable.

For me, these group fitness challenges are a fantastic way to begin tapping into our true potential. These challenges are intentionally designed for you to create habits and routines that connect you to your body and start channeling your feminine power. Making a commitment to a healthy life is an act of love for our bodies, and I'm all about supporting you on that journey. Let's embrace these challenges and unlock the magic together! 

xoxo Maëva

I'M IN ♡


Here's What You
Can Expect

Get ready for an empowering and transformative 28-day fitness journey!

Full 28-Day Workout Routine: A comprehensive and effective exercise plan to challenge and strengthen your body over the course of the month.

Accountability Group Chat & Weekly Call:  Stay connected and motivated with a supportive community. Engage in group discussions, share your progress, and join weekly calls for a mindset boost.

Tools for Body Connection: Explore tools designed to enhance your connection with your body. Whether it's mindfulness exercises or wellness tips, these resources will help you feel more in tune with yourself.

$30 to Join: An affordable investment in your well-being. Joining this program is a commitment to yourself and your health.

This challenge is for women who...

need support in staying consistent in their workouts

Are coachable and committed to long term results

want to connect with other women dedicated to embodying their unique strengths

are willing to show up every week and fully commit to their health and fitness


want to become stronger physically and mentally

want to move through life feeling empowered in her body

Ready To Take On The Challenge?

We begin at the start of every month!


we begin with a new group at the top of every month!

Ready To Take On The Challenge?

pay here